Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Ct-Psalmist Enemy Of The Culture

Enemy Of The Culture is about being in the world but not of it. Staying true to what we as Christians believe in.
I want to share my Inspiration behind Enemy Of The Culture. The version you hear now is a rewrite I wrote The Original Enemy Of The Culture 3yrs ago. I will post an ruff draft of the original on  soundcloud.

Verse 1

Was inspired by the comeback of Pokemon and Keeping up with the Kardashians, although  I'm not a fan of either you cant deny the influence they both have on the culture. I talk about the many distractions we have in the world today and trends the culture embraces. Self  worship Idol worship. Also inspired by the many Christians holding it down for God's kingdom.

Verse 2

Was inspired by an encounter I had when I was in my early 20s one night I was in a club me my best friend and his Brother and while I was walking around a man looked me straight in my eyes and told me I dont belong there. Being raised in the Church I backslid for 7 and a half years. Trying to hide in the world but like a black dot on all white paper the world knew I belong to God.

Verse 3

Was inspired by that time Azealia Banks was throwing shade on Cardi B song  Bokah Yellow saying she wasnt feeling it but was on video going in when it was playing lol. I also remember reading in the word of God when they saw Jesus coming in on a donkey and they laid palms down as he came through and then yelled crucify him after. This world holds allegiance to no one. I was once of the world but realized the world and all it have to offer was not enough I needed to fill the emptiness only God could fill. Thank you for taking the time to read this feel free to leave comments. Take care. Do follow me on:

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